Varanus boehmei
Golden speckled tree monitor
DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia (for detailed distribution data, see Auliya & Koch 2020)
RED LIST STATUS: Data deficient (DD) in 2014
CITES: Appendix II
NATIONAL PROTECTION: Since 2018, nationally protected according to the Regulation of the Minister of Environment & Forestry of the Republic Indonesia,
THREATS: Removal of wild animals for pet ownership and the destruction of forested habitats
RESEARCH NEEDS: Assess current distribution pattern and potential threats; conduct population density surveys; create awareness campaigns in local communites; investigate the efficacy of national protection measures; examine offtake levels for trade purposes (national/international) and national captive breeding efforts at governmental registered facilities; evaluate the implementation of a monitoring program and adaptive management plan
CURRENT PROJECTS: Not known at present
Adult wild Varanus boehmei, Waigeo Isl., Indonesia © Chris Applin