Our Objectives

The primary aim of the IUCN SSC Monitor Lizard Specialist Group is to assess current threats and the conservation status of all monitor lizard species for the IUCN Red List. Furthermore, with the information content presented here, an attempt will be made to point out important research gaps in order to derive current projects from them. All those interested in monitor lizards and species conservation should have the opportunity to contribute up-to-date data on species via this website, e.g. distribution information or behavioural observations. In this context, great value is attached to Citizen Science.

IUCN SSC Monitor Lizard Specialist Group (MLSG)

Dear MLSG members and all those interested in monitor lizards. This website is still under construction, therefore many contents are not yet available. We will try to close existing gaps as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.

Chair: Mark Auliya
Red List Authority Coordinator: Michael Cota

Regional Chair South Asia: Kumudani Bala Gautam
Regional Chair Australia & Pacific region: Georgia Ward-Fear

How we work

Planning and implementation of current projects are based on need and importance, i.e. of threatened species and species for which little information is available. To gain knowledge of the conservation status of monitor lizards (Varanus spp.) is essential to also protect the relevant ecosystems. Making this knowledge available is elementary to maintain viable populations sustainably of all species. For this reason an essential condition is to create a collaborative network with varying stakeholders, in particular that of local communities to safeguard Varanus spp. in their respective ecosystems. A large proportion of active conservation measures will also include local and regional projects that provide education and training, to also provide an improved understanding of the ecological role of Varanus spp. in their native habitats.



11 species & updates

published Dec 9, 2022


SPECIES REMAINING (incl. two reassessments of V. acanthurus and V. storri, see species’ profiles)

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