Varanus bogerti
Bogert’s tree monitor
DISTRIBUTION: D’Entrecasteaux, Louisiade & Trobriand Islands (for detailed distribution data, see Auliya & Koch 2020)
RED LIST STATUS: Least Concern (LC) in 2014
CITES: Appendix II
NATIONAL PROTECTION: According to Kula et al. (1996) V. bogerti is not included in the list of Protected Fauna of Papua New Guinea.
THREATS: Information on potential threats are outdated; it is unclear to what extent existing forest patches are preserved or already fragmented. In the past it was known that gold mines were active in the range of Varanus bogerti; more recently it was reported that a lease is in place or has been applied for more than half of Normanby Isl., and almost all of Fergusson Island for mining activities (Kraus 2021). If the capture of individuals for the international pet trade poses a threat to populations is not known; to date there are no trade records of Varanus bogerti documentend in the CITES trade database, however it phenotypically resembles V. beccarii, and this species is commonly involved in international trade activities.
RESEARCH NEEDS: Field ecology studies as for all Hapturosaurus spp. are absolutely necessary; e.g. knowledge of population densities in primary forest and secondary forest habitats in comparison would be valuable information. Furthermore, to assess deforestation rates and the area size of protected forest but illegally utilized for logging and use of additional natural resources. The capture of wildlife for international trade should be assessed, to examine if V. bogerti may be one species among other vertebrates sought after for commercial trade.
CURRENT PROJECTS: Currently not known.
References referred to:
- Kula GR, George I (1996) Protected Fauna of Papua New Guinea. Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, Boroko, PNG.
- Kraus F (2021) A herpetofauna with dramatic endemism signals an overlooked biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity and Conservation
HERE: IMAGE of the SPECIES, with name of photographer]