Technical Reports.

Reports listed here include dissertations and studies conducted on behalf of CITES, biodiversity-related organizations and NGOs.

  • De Buffrénil V (1993) Les Varans africains. Le Secrétariat CITES, Genève, Suisse, 162 pp.
  • Gaulke M (1989) Zur Biologie des Bindenwarans, unter Berücksichtigung der paläographischen Verbreitung und der phylogenetischen Entwicklung der Varanidae. Dissertation. Cour. Forsch.- Inst. Senckenb., 242 pp.
  • Guarino F (1999) Ecology and ecophysiology of the lace monitor (Varanus varius) in a temperate environment. Honours Theses. Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra. 3p ( fiorenzo_guarino.html).
  • Hudson R, Alberts A, Ellis S, Byers O (1994) Conservation assessment and management plan for Iguanidae and Varanidae. Working Document. Report from a Collaborative Workshop of the AZA Lizards Taxon Advisonary Group at the IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group held 1-3 September 1992, USA, 158 pp.
  • Lange L, Schors K (2014) International Live Trade in Varanus Species – A research on legal and illegal trade in 31 Varanus species native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea between 2000 and 2012. Traffic South-East Asia – University of Applied Science, Van Hall Larenstein, Leeuwarden
  • Lenz S (1995) Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Ökologie des Nilwaranes, Varanus niloticus (Linnaeus 1766) in Gambia, Westafrika. Ph.D. thesis, Bonn, 236 pp.
  • Luxmoore R, Groombridge B (1990) Asian Monitor Lizards: A review of distribution, status, exploitation and trade in four selected species. A Report to the CITES Secretariat, 195 pp.
  • Luxmoore RB, Groombridge B, Broad S (1988) Significant trade in Wildlife: A review of selected species in CITES Appendix II. IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre.
  • Vogel P (1979) Zur Biologie des Bindenwarans (Varanus sal­vator) im Westjavanischen Naturschutzgebiet Ujung Kulon. Dissertation, Basel, 139 pp.
  • Webb GJW, Vardon MJ, Boeadi (1994) Rapid Assessment of Harvest Levels and Status for three species of Reptile (Varanus salvator, Python reticulatus and P. curtus) in Indonesia. A Report to Asian Conservation and Sustainable Use Group (ACSUG), 47 pp.