Who we are.
Members of the IUCN SSC-MLSG are all active in monitor lizard research, each with their own special interest and expertise. The intersection of all research branches would, at best, provide the information to better evaluate the conservation status of individual species and, if necessary, take the necessary measures to ensure the long-term viability of species and populations. At present, members are represented from … nations; one goal is to recruit enthusiastic young scientists as members, particularly from Varanus range States in Africa and Asia, in order to evaluate species and populations from all countries in the best possible way.
On 25-26 July 2015 the inaugural meeting of the IUCN – SSC Monitor Lizard Specialist Group was held at the Grand View Hotel of the Phranakhon Rajabhat University, in Bangkok, Thailand. Of 40 members 12 attended the meeting. From left to right (affiliations reported at that time):
Deni Purwandana (Komodo Survival Program, Indonesia), Clay Fisher (…), Michael Cota (Natural History Museum, National Science Museum, Thailand), Eric R. Pianka (University of Texas, USA), David Kirschner (…), Sam S. Sweet (University of California, USA), Uwe Krebs (University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany) standing behind Daniel Bennett (Larnaca, Cyprus), Valter Weijola (Zoological Museum, University of Turku, Finland), Michael Stanner (Surindra Rajabhat University, Thailand), Mark Auliya (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany), Tim Jessop (Deakin University & University of Melbourne, Australia), André Koch (State Natural History Museum, Brunswick, Germany), Robert Mendyk (Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens, USA) and Achmad Ariefiandy (Komodo Survival Program, Indonesia).